
When you travel, isn’t it impossible to NOT think about money?

Oh, how much did lunch cost? How much did the hotel cost? The plane ticket?! So on and so forth.

So my point is..I hate money. Okay, I know that’s everyone’s beef too, but seriously, I hate money. I work with money. I see money. I spend money. I have bills that I pay for with money. I…need money.

Why can’t I just go off doing what I want without the fear of how much I spend?! Why can’t I just see that steak dinner for $30 and not feel like I burned a hole in my wallet? I feel like I can’t appreciate the finer things in life becaue I’m so concerned with how much I should spend at the grocery store. How much I can’t save because I’m literally living pay check by pay check?

Alright..I know I shouldn’t complain so much, because I do have a roof above my head, but that doesn’t mean I’m not struggling.

The reason I bring all this up is because I am actually in Japan (yes, I know I should be grateful – and I am!!) and I want to buy the world here. It’s one of the most beautiful countries I’ve ever seen and if I could afford it (or speak the langauge) I here. The crazy thing is, I just wish I could be assertive. Pack my bags and just do it! But I guess I’m not that brave yet…

Till then..I’ll still be counting each yen I have in my pocket.
