
I hate it when I can’t sleep.

Maybe this is a good thing for a lot of people. If you can’t sleep, you get more hours in the day. You can catch up on things you didn’t get a chance to do during the day. You can watch your favorite TV show, movie, re-runs, whatever. Alright, I know I’m not helping my case, so I’ll make this quick. When I’m stuck alone, staying up all night…I think about my future. 

What is the meaning of life? What am I meant to do? And the list goes on and on and on. I constantly want to skip  5 years of my life so I can just see where I’m at! Am I going to go to grad school (It would be a miracle if I even got in with my numbers and scores)? Am I going to work all these part-time jobs for the rest of my life? Where am I even going to live?! I just have all these thoughts running around in my head and I just want to sleep for Pete’s sake! 

Will there ever be a time where I won’t have so many questions in my head?